Baldwin Ornate Mortise Handlesets
Mortise handle sets are where the lock set requires a pocket or “mortise” to be cut from the door to fit a box like cartridge into the width of the door. The mortise lock originated in Europe but is often found in high end residential construction here in the U.S. Specific door prep is required for the door to accept a mortise handle set and we recommend you hire a professional for this installation as it is extremely specific and requires precision woodworking. If you are not sure if your door will accept a mortise handle set please give us a call and we will be happy to confirm that his type of lockset will work with your specific doors.
Single Cylinder:
A mortise handle set where the deadbolt locks by a key on the outside and a turn piece on the inside of the lock. Latch is operated on the outside by a thumb piece and on the interior by a knob or lever.
Double Cylinder:
A mortise handle set where the deadbolt locks by a key on both the outside and inside of the lock. Latch is operated on the outside by a thumb piece and on the interior by a knob or lever. **Double Cylinder locks on doors used for exiting a building or a home are a life safety hazard in times of emergency and are not recommended**
Dummy Set:
Dummy Mortise Handle sets are used in double door applications. The dummy mortise handleset is mounted to the inactive door while the single or double cylinder mortise handleset is mounted to the active door. Dummy sets perform no function.
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